Tuesday, July 14, 2015


About two months ago my brother Ricardo introduced me to an APP called Periscope.  I though it was pretty interesting on how people can broadcast LIVE.  So I started following my favorite TV hosts and comedians.  Then I thought how cool it would be to just Periscope from educational conferences and the classroom. 
Soon, I WAS ADDICTED!  I LOVE TO USE PERISCOPE!  I get so many ideas from other classroom teachers.  I also enjoy sharing my own classroom strategies with all of you.  
Don't hesitate, get the APP, it's so much fun to use!

Don't forget to follow Sheila Jane and the 5 recommended teachers.

Friday, July 3, 2015

4th of July Bilingual Blog Hop

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy 4th!  I hope you are enjoying your weekend with loved ones on this 4th of July.  We want to remember on this day that freedom is a gift from all those people who fought and struggled to win independence.  Let's keep working hard towards making our country a better nation.  

Enjoy this free summer passage along with comprehension questions and sentence strips that go along with the story.  
Click here the download!

Enjoy the rest of your summer and don't forget to hop onto the next blog for your fantastic freebie.