Saturday, May 28, 2016

Classification of Animals

The past few weeks we have been learning how to classify different animals.  We first learned about the types of animals by reading passages, playing true or false games for each type of animal and then writing characteristics about them.  Here's a glimpse of what we have done.  

Saturday, January 23, 2016

South California Winter Blog Hop!

Who doesn't love sunny San Diego?  San Diego is my beloved hometown!  We are so lucky to live in a place with such wonderful weather and with great, fun attractions throughout the county.  
We live 20 minutes away from the beach and the bay.    Often our family will have a picnic day at a park/bay front called Ski Beach.  Ski Beach is actually located on the east side of Mission Beach.
It has a playground for the kids and a great path for jogging along the bay.
  Since we don't own jet skis, we usually rent them for a reasonable price right on the bay! 
Here's a picture of my husband and my daughter having a great time on the jet skis. 

Here is my WINTER FREBIE for you!  When I meet in guided reading groups, I need to know that my other students are working on a literacy station that is fun and engaging.  The literacy station my students love the most are my Matching Sentences.  I've made these for each month, so my second language learners are practicing fluency, writing and problem solving when it comes to learning new vocabulary words.

Don't forget to enter this great giveaway!  

Check out the next destination here!  Maybe you will be motivated to make a trip to Southern California this summer!
Queen's Speech

Saturday, January 2, 2016

It's Time to Revise and Edit!

We're at the point where our students are beginning to write independently.  They are expressing their feelings and creating wonderful narratives, informative texts and opinions.  Often, we find ourselves asking our students, "Can you please go back and add capital letters to the beginning of each sentence or make sure you add punctuation marks at the end of each sentence."  How many times do our students go back to their desk and add a period to each line at the right margin of the page?  You can relate, right?

Well, this type of behavior happened often in my classroom until I started teaching the editing marks.  I modeled three times a week how to revise and edit a simple paragraph.  For first graders, I started using 4 editing marks: punctuation, capitalization, spacing and eliminate a letter or word within the sentence.  Using this technique, helped my students understand the meaning of a sentence and when it was right to add punctuation marks.         

Once your students get the routine of using the editing marks, they can practice what they learned by editing simple sentences during a literacy center.
Here are a few samples you try with your students.  

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


About two months ago my brother Ricardo introduced me to an APP called Periscope.  I though it was pretty interesting on how people can broadcast LIVE.  So I started following my favorite TV hosts and comedians.  Then I thought how cool it would be to just Periscope from educational conferences and the classroom. 
Soon, I WAS ADDICTED!  I LOVE TO USE PERISCOPE!  I get so many ideas from other classroom teachers.  I also enjoy sharing my own classroom strategies with all of you.  
Don't hesitate, get the APP, it's so much fun to use!

Don't forget to follow Sheila Jane and the 5 recommended teachers.

Friday, July 3, 2015

4th of July Bilingual Blog Hop

Happy 4th!  I hope you are enjoying your weekend with loved ones on this 4th of July.  We want to remember on this day that freedom is a gift from all those people who fought and struggled to win independence.  Let's keep working hard towards making our country a better nation.  

Enjoy this free summer passage along with comprehension questions and sentence strips that go along with the story.  
Click here the download!

Enjoy the rest of your summer and don't forget to hop onto the next blog for your fantastic freebie.  

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Un carnaval de recursos" BILINGUAL BLOG HOP

Welcome to our Bilingual Blog Hop!  
I hope you enjoy the different resources we have to offer.  Please don't forget to download your freebie and leave feedback!
Have you noticed that some non-fiction books are way too difficult for our emergent readers?  Well,  I've made some non-fiction passages easy enough for our emergent readers to feel successful in reading.  Here you see my student reading a non-fiction passage during guided reading.  This passage has lots of high frequency words that she can easily identify and read.

After repeatedly reading the passage, my students will write facts about the topic.  They write the non-fiction facts to build automaticity not only in reading but in writing as well.  

My students then get their own mini book to practice independently at their desk, Daily 5 routines or for homework.  Before they start reading the book, they highlight the high frequency words first.


How about trying it in your classroom?  
Here is a freebie to try it out with your emergent readers.  
Let me know how it works! 
Click to here to download your freebie!

Hope on over to Mynda Rivera's Blog 
for some more fun!

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bilingual Blog Hop!

I was inspired to make these cards by reading a story written from my 1st grade student.   She wrote about the Halloween parade we had at school last Friday.  She wrote "Había miles de niños en el desfile."  WOW!!  She is using voice in her writing.  I was reminded about using hyperboles in writing.  Almost instantly,  I got to work!!!   You can use these cards to teach exaggeration when trying to get kids to write exciting stories.  I hope you like them!!! Click here to download!!

Make sure to keep hopping!  
Your next stop is over with Sandra at Dual Language Garden!